
Introducing the latest exciting addition to our club - Pickleball!
From late January 2025 our 8 official regulation size Pickleball court lines will be down and ready to book & play on for our club members (and non members) on indoor courts 1 & 2.
In line with our pikcleball launch we are starting coach led club sessions on a Wednesday 10am - 11.30am as well as a Thursday evening 6.30pm - 8pm.
For more information & to book on to on the Pickleball club sessions CLICK HERE
Not only this, but for those who want a head start on the competiton, we are running a series of 3 week introductory Pickleball courses to cover the basics, as well as working on some of the technical and tactical aspects of the game.
For more information & to book on to the Picklball intro courses CLICK HERE
To book casually as a member or non-member please contact us at reception@pershoretennis.co.uk or call 01386 556677. Prices are £10 for members and £14 for non-members off peak.
Check out this SKY NEWS report below to find out more on what Pickleball is about and what one of the fastest growing sports in the country has to offer! Click here for video