On 1st April at 10am, Martin & Jon, (our coaches), embarked on a 24 hour Tennis Marathon, raising over £6,000 for Cancer Research UK.
Playing as a pair for all 24 hours against various couples and groups, in hourly stints, they managed an impressive 329 games! Amazingly, they won 285 of these against a combined total of 44 games won by everyone else!
A big thank you to all the people who supported in many ways- the spectators cheering them on; various food & drink contributions; Marshall's Bakery and Mary Connerton for bacon butties; Mike C for contacting the Press and roving reporter Sandy for editing & producing the footage for BBC & ITV local news channels; to those sponsoring either via Just Giving, (https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/martinandjon24hrtennis), or in the collection boxes; and obviously Martin & Jon's familes.