

Minutes of Meeting - 28/09/2024

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Committee Meeting Minutes

Location:  Club House
Date:  Saturday 28th September 12:05pm
Attendees:                                                            Position

Martin Winham (MW)                                          Chair

Judith Read (JR)                                                    Welfare Office

Danny Burrell (DB)  - From 12:09pm                                Head Coach

Nigel Glover (NG)                                                 Committee Member

Mike Thomas (MT)                                               Committee Member

Caroline Huft (CH) – From 12:20pm                 Membership Secretary

Nigel Registe (NR)                                               Committee Member

Jonathan Waters (JW)                                         Treasurer


Apologies:                                                             Position

Patrick Bywater (JPB)                                          Secretary

David Caddies(DC)                                              Committee member



  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting –

Minutes have been updated and published to the website. Question was asked whether the names mentioned in the safeguarding were redacted PB to check & advise.

  1. Safeguarding

JR is on an online course next Saturday “Initial safeguarding and welfare officer”

DB Suggested NR should be registered as 2nd , JR confirmed there is no official registration or certification in place, however it was agreed NR should look into some online training. LTA to be informed of this arrangement.

Junior Ambassador:  LTA have stated they would like a junior “board” / representative for the club.  Jamie (18) was asked if she would like to take this role or if anyone else would.  DB commented that that would be a very difficult role to fill. 

  1. Succession planning:

All Committee members to consider a second to take on their role should they decide to resign . Rob Wason has been suggested as 2nd for Treasurer. NR has agreed to be the deputy Welfare Officer but wouldn’t have time to take on the role full time.

The following roles agreed to approach people to see who would be willing to consider stepping up to the role in future:



            Welfare Officer- Nigel Registe ( 2nd only)

            Treasurer -Rob Watson, possibly also “Mob”

            Membership Secretary – urgent requirement due to Caroline now unfortunately having to resign imminently……


  1. Fencing behind courts 3&4 & Gateway between 4&5

Decided this would be reviewed in the new year.

Previous discussion covered:

  • Cost (Approx £4K but no firm quotes) – to also get a quote for a gate as and when we get a fencing quote.  The expectation (as the plan would be to have the gate open on to the pathway) was that should not be too expensive.
  • Height (taking it to 4m from 3m) and the process involved.
  • A subcommittee was suggested should run this project when the spikes had been done


  1. Martin’s Task List – MW (items agreed to carry forward to this meeting, from minutes of last meeting)
  1. Bird spikes- Evanti solutions started installing bird spikes this week, total cost £1700, deposit paid £420. They had to curtail works as they encountered problems fixing above the light head due to the ribbed cooling system. So it was agreed they would fix to backs of head only. NR to arrange a second visit, additional cost would be incurred for extended scaffold hire….NR in the lead on this…TBA
  2. Carpet – JR asked a member for a quote and is chasing him.  JR to lead the project. Due to the risk of damage to the new carpet, with the young students eating inside, it was agreed that we would look to have half hard floor (Commercial use vinyl or similar) and half carpet. This to be now actively considered again by JR.
  3. New sign on exit gate needed to say – “If you are the last to leave, please make sure that the club house is locked” ( see MT plan in AOB)
  4. New sign for car park to encourage visitors and members to be considerate and careful when parking and no liability etc. JPB agreed to take this point and get organized – Outstanding.
  5. Wimbledon away day:  MW has emailed Wimbledon, received a response from them, and SLTC are currently in the position of “being considered” ….TBA further when Wimbledon are back in touch.
  6. Sponsorship:  MT to approach Mo Patel again about his desire to sponsor the club and find out his plans and expectations.
  7. Hand dryers in ladies toilet: MT to research and look to organize install by the end of October.
  8. Heating Toilets Enhancement plan stated this would be looked at now. JW suggested some cheaper alternatives, and a discussion was had around the amount of time spent in the changing rooms/toilets etc and it was agreed that the rooms must be heated to mitigate the risk of pipes bursting due to freezing temperatures. The radiant heating option had already been agreed in principle back at the Committee meeting in May 2024, but, in the light of this, MT will look at cost  for a simple radiator (s) in both toilets, ideally using the power already available in ladies and organizing an electrician to provide power to the gents, plus comparison of power usage for both prospective options A final decision will then be made at the next Committee meeting
  9. Channels around courts 1 & 2:  Cobble option has been rejected. JW suggested 50m coil pipe,100mm dial pipe as a cheaper option. NR has requested someone else continues with an alternative option and organize installation.NR suggested one side of court 3&4 also needs doing. DB advised that he would speak to Nigel G on this issue and report back at the next meeting.
  10. Courts 5&6 Surfacing– Not discussed at this meeting. Previously It was agreed that at this time a business case would be put together including:

                i.              Funding

                ii.             Members options

                iii.            Surface types

                iv.            Impact on members (positive and negative)

  1. Danny – Head Coach Membership

Dave and Danny were looking at the option to put some sponsorship money into the club to encourage new students. It was agreed this would be discussed, in more detail, at the next committee meeting when DC would be present, to put forward his plan.

JW  suggested Adult fees should increase. JW & DB to have a separate discussion to see how best to approach this – to advise at the next meeting.


  1. Trustees and maintenance of register-

Not discussed at this meeting. At the previous discussion on trustees it was agreed that it is not appropriate for none members of the club to be trustees of the land.  Therefore, it was agreed that David Holdsworth would be removed as a trustee.  JR took away an action to approach other appropriate long terms members to see if they would be willing to be trustees.  JR to report back when discussions have been had.

  1. Financial Update– JW 

JW advised that the finances overall were in good shape, and that there were sufficient funds put aside to deal with the smaller “enhancement” schemes currently under consideration.



  1. Health and Safety - MW

One Incident at coaching, a student had an injury to Achilles. Accident book filled in and stored with JR

  1. A.O.B.
  1. MW reported that Colin (first team captain) is not happy with how practice is being coordinated for players outside the first team– It was agreed that the captains will be contacted to agree the way forward. Discussion to be had at next meeting with DC to discuss team practice
  2. CH stated that a neighbour had asked if they could take some of the large waste stones for her garden project.  These have now been collected.
  3. Club sparks
    1. CH is the only person with access to emails.
    2. Pay & Play- JR is being contacted by non-members about access to club , however the name on club sparks has CH. PB to amend on Club Sparks. Pay and play set up was unknown to some committee members and needs discussing in more detail so everyone is aware of our responsibility.
    3. Processing cash and checks for membership fees needs manual work, this needs reviewing.
  4. New lock for club house MT has brought new lock for club door issued from work gratis, which requires only fob or app on phone for access, mitigating the need for organizing keys….this to be fitted in due course when sufficient “fobs” have been obtained by MT.
  5. Caroline has announced she will be resigning from her role as Membership secretary due to a work opportunity, which will take up more of her time. Everyone has thanked her for all the hard work she has put into the role and wished her all the best for her new venture. She has suggested Libby Drew or Sam Maxim may be interested  in the role and will discuss with them over the next week.
  1. Date of next meeting

7th December 12:05pm

Finish time of meeting 13.35 hours.