

Season launch and ladder leagues

SATURDAY 8th April - Season Launch….  


The cafe, hosted by Phil and Libby (with licence) will be open for Friday Social (7th April) and from 1pm until close on Saturday.  We might try to get Phil to dust down the karaoke machine…. We hope to see as many people as possible for this season opener.  All those that have been hibernating during the winter months, we hope to see you alongside all those mad enough to have braved the ice, snow, rain and wind this winter. What else could you have planned for Easter Saturday!  See you there.


Doubles ladder league


As mentioned in the Committee report (copies are available on the clubhouse), following the successful launch of the singles ladder league we are launching a doubles ladder league.  This is a friendly competitive league aimed at pitching similar level teams against each other.  I.e.  beginner doubles would be pitched against beginners and advanced against advance etc.  

The format is set your timer for the agreed amount of time, 30 mins or 1 hour, play normal doubles and count the number of games won.  Could be any score I.e.  10-0, 4-4 etc then enter the result.  You then move up or down the ladder to find your next competitive match.  The system works automatically in that you decide how many matches you and your partner want to play (1/2 every 2 weeks) you can skip rounds for injuries, holidays etc.  each round you get emailed with details of your opponents and then you make arrangements directly with the other team on when to play.

You can enter in more than one doubles team, but remember you can’t be on both sides of the net at once………

Teams can be both, double or mixed. 


So grab your partner and sign up via this link:


Singles Ladder League.


The winter league closed today, 26th March and the final standings will be set.  Thank you everyone for your feedback, we are pleased it is a success and hope you enjoy the season to come.


The summer league starts on the 4th April.  Anyone wanting to sign up, please use this link


Link to the Singles Ladder League


See you on the 8th!


Your Committee