

Committee Meeting Minutes 03/06/2023


Meeting minutes

Location:  Club House
Date:  03rd June 2023
Attendees– Martin Winham (MW)-Chairman, Caroline Huft (CH) – Membership Secretary, Judith Read (JR) – Safeguarding Officer, Nigel Registe (NR) – Keeper of the balls, Jonathan Waters (JW) – Grounds Maintenance & Interim treasurer, Danny Burrell – Head Coach (DB)

Prospective Committee Member:  Mike Thomas

Mike Thomas has agreed to become a committee member and all members agreed.

Apologies:  Patrick Bywater (JPB), David Holdsworth (DH), Nigel Glover (NG),

Start Time: 12:30pm

Finish Time: 3.00pm


Agenda items

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting (All):  Approved
  2. Safeguarding – JR
    1. Our current policy has been passed and is fit for purpose; however, new wordings will require updates to our current version. JR has agreed to provide an update over the next couple of months. DB will discuss with JR how the new wordings relate to the club coaching element.
    2. Club to provide a record sheet to evidence cleaning and maintenance of club and courts. NR to create a spreadsheet in the next week.
    3. DB- To ensure coaches undertake a basic Risk Assessment before each coaching session.


  1. Enhancement Plan – MW
  1. Aircon- Committee agreed aircon to cool the club in summer was not cost effective. For winter heating, MT suggested 3KW Infra-red panel heating c£1k cost. This was discussed with the insulation of the ceiling. MT to review prices and circulate to Committee for decision by END JUNE LATEST – potential implementation date agreed in September 2023.
  2. Insulation- All members agreed. Potential implementation date agreed as September 2023. MT/MW to get final quote and broad calculations of energy savings that relate to cost of insulation, also to include panels for access to lights etc. plus get estimated price for ceiling of toilets as well, by end June 2023 – If the result is not cost effective payback then this may not go-ahead - TBC
  3. Window Tinting- Consensus view from 3/6/23 Committee meeting was No.
  4. Solar Panels- around £0.6k max TBC - to use “self-contained” units strategically placed around the paths, courts, and clubhouse. Committee agreed that the pathways required doing before Autumn/winter, but “On Court” lights to be reviewed again to see if cheaper version possible, MT to review and circulate to Committee for  decision by end July 2023 MT would carry out some definitive testing in early September to ratify choice of lights.
  5. CCTV- Done. Annual cost for this is c£50 (ICO) and £35 (GDPR Policy). MT has been provisionally appointed as the relevant contact for the CCTV. Club Committee identified as the only members with access to view recorded footage. CH to send email out to members giving 3 days for any members to comment by mid June 2023– if no comment, then the CCTV System is to be switched on and “go-live”. Possibly mid-June – MT to action
  6. Window replacement- Consensus view from 3/6/23 Committee meeting was to go with window replacement (aim for cost of around £2k to £2.5k – Further quote to be obtained – need one window in each toilet to be a full opener for fire exit, plus trickle vents). MW to review quotes, identify most appropriate one, meet on site and reaffirm price etc then circulate to Committee by mid June 2023, and then set implementation date, possibly July/August 2023.
  7. Wi-fi Install- Consensus view was to put on hold for 2 months, see if needed after CCTV been in operation. MT to sort shelf (approx. £20) and aerial for the Clubhouse TV to enable streaming of tennis matches etc - June 2023. JW to investigate purchasing a TV licence.
  8. Solar panel & Battery storage- Consensus view from Committee was very low interest at this time.
  9. Soffits/Facias (possibly also guttering)- Consensus view from Committee was positive for a temporary repair-to get Painter to also price for downpipe and 2 storage doors. Quote potentially £1.4k TBC. Implementation date ideally June 2023. MW to sort this by mid June 2023
  10. Carpet Cleaning- DONE – Also new “door entry rug” bought and fastened to carpet June 2023.
  11. Tennis Court Cleaning- Consensus view from Committee meeting – Main annual or Biannual cleaning to be subcontracted (likely to be SC Sports). Regular weekly/monthly sweeping/cleaning duties to be split between Gardener and Coaching staff (written into new Head Coach contract). JW to co-ordinate with DB and Gardener to implement court cleaning activities and associated completion of form to record this. – (NR pulling together form for use – to be kept in Clubhouse by mid June 2023). Full clean in spring.
  12. Reseed or Resurface area between Clubhouse and Coaching gear shed- Grass seeding is now taking effect area opened on 3rd June 2023. Paul Barker has agreed to get 30 No for £50. JPB to double check if they’re still available and organise to obtain them ASAP. Consensus view from Committee was to obtain an extra shed to site on existing hardstanding near Court 6. – possibly also lay flags to create path through grassed area – also to look at adding a “roof extension” to create an area people on the lower courts could shelter if heavy rain etc. NR/JW/DB/JPB to be effective “Sub Committee” for this initiative. Them to discuss, organise and look to implement this by end June 2023
  13. Post meeting Note – DB has now stated he could rearrange coaching activities such that new shed now not needed.  Action therefore is to just look for some form of “shelter” arrangement instead near courts 5 &6 – NR/JW/DB/JPB to review by end June 2023

    Also, small area of grassed area next to Clubhouse most susceptible to “wear” by members etc could be looked at re the “turf protection” product – TBC.

  14. Portable Comms Equipment- To review again in winter months.
  15. Defibrillator installation- Total c£530. Consensus view was to go ahead and buy pads/batteries etc and make fully functional for club use. MT to buy pads and batteries, and mounting bracket by end June 2023. Instructions for use and maintenance “checklist” to be put on wall. JR to take ownership of this, with MT’s help.
  16. Post meeting Note;    Also, full functionality check of the defibrillator to be done by MT before brought into use to ensure fully fit for purpose – this to be recorded formally -MT to action also.


  18. Water Mist Fire Extinguishers- Consensus view Committee was to go ahead – MT to sort, including forms for various mtce checks on equipment. MT to sort, including forms for various mtce checks on equipment. - timeline is by end June 2023
  19. Ball Machine- Decent idea but would be too difficult to administer logistics.
  20. Additional Ideas:
    1. Hitting Wall- Tried before with low usage, so not to progress.
    2. Benches for Courts- JW to obtain 4 benches for courts 5 & 6. £80ea.
    3. Wind Break- Yes–2 more to purchase (c£100)-JW to obtain. Would need perimeter fence post integrity checks. NR to find out more about this and advise Committee for next Meeting.
    4. Scorecards for Courts- Yes - 2 more Scorecards to purchase – (c£180)- JW to purchase and install by end June 2023.
    5. Doors to view Courts 3 & 4.- Maybe look at Option to install 2 “half door/windows” opening onto Courts 3/4. CH to investigate this a little further and advise at next Committee meeting.


  22. Open Day “Big Tennis Weekend” – Weekend of 15/16 July
  23. The result from the discussions were:

    1. DB to look at advertising on Facebook by mid June 2023.
    2. NR and JR agreed to leaflet drop if required.
    3. Several Committee may not be available so may have to scale down event- CH to action. Sub meeting is required as soon as possible to discuss.
  24. Coaching updates- DB
  25. The consensus view from the Committee was for DB to go ahead with his partnership with Kitlocker. CH has asked if DB would enquire about dresses.

    DB- new Employment Contract has been submitted for review/comments/agreement. JPB has reviewed/made additions/amendments which MW is in overall agreement with. DB has submitted his comments re these.

    JPB to now finalise agreement with DB such that his Contract can be renewed and issued out – by end June 2023

  26. Finance Update – JW
      1. JW Confirmed the bank credit of £45k with debt of £37k and advised an available fund of around £11k to12k for the enhancements.
  27. Health and Safety – MW
    1. No accidents of note have been reported since the last meeting – 4 No, but none that would require any action/mitigation measures other than children being advised to be a little more aware and careful of others on court.
    2. MW advised that the court cleaning measures (as in minutes above) should help form a tangible mitigation of injury risk to members/coaches etc
  28. He also mentioned that Pavescape advise that the courts per se would need another 6 months or so to “settle down”, and if further painting was required as a result of this (within reason) they would come back to do this.

    1. MW also felt that having the CCTV in place should help provide a degree of risk mitigation to the club in terms of any potential theft/damage/injury cause identification
    2. MT mentioned the potential need to have an FRA (Fire Risk Assessment) undertaken for the club – this to be looked into and discussed further at the next Committee meeting.
    3. AOB
      1. Committee to investigate tarmacing at the entrance – not essential immediately but worth looking at . NR to ask Paul B if he knew of any local company.
      2. MW commented on how well he thought the American Tournament went, with excellent organization by members Phil B and Libby.
      3. The Club Tournament appeared to show lower entrants than last year, and could be due, to some degree, to presence now of club ladder leagues etc and extra league teams.
      4. All agreed that the Courts now resurfaced and painted looked and played really well.
      5. The AGM took place 11/3/2023 and the minutes are held on the club website.
      6. CH advised that there were some lapsed membership accounts but both she and JR were on this to resolve ASAP.
      7. Post meeting note – correspondence received from WMDC re the Tree Preservation Order on the Oak Tree overhanging Courts 2 and 3 – it is now a FULL TPO as of 10th May, so if SLTC wish to  have any work done to the branches etc then WMDC have to be consulted etc.