Gary Greenwood

The draw for the Gary Greenwood competition is now live! The first round is due to be played by 19th July.

An explanation for the handicap rules is available.

Please keep the date free for the finals day - Sunday 8th September.

Round Completion Dates

Over each round there is a date by which the round has to be played. It will be the responsibility of the first named player/pair in each match to contact their opponents to arrange a match date. It is up to all players to make sure that the deadlines are met. When your match date has been arranged please let Chris Tinker (07970 577614) and Eustace (07745616225) know the date by text straight away. If you are having difficulty arranging a match, then please let her know at the earliest opportunity. Players may be scratched if they do not meet the round deadline date.


Each match will be the best of 3 long sets with no tiebreaks.  There will be sudden death deuce – the receivers  have the choice of side. 

There is an option of a deciding short set at one set all (best of 7 games, coin toss to decide who serves first) providing that this has been agreed by both pairs before the start of the match.

Winners to send the match results to Chris Tinker and Eustace Johnson via WhatsApp immediately after their match please - this is vital for the progress of the tournament - thank you.

Courts & Tennis Balls for Matches

Courts may be 'booked' in the usual way via the Club Spark (LTA) website or the Booker App. Players are to arrange amongst themselves for the provision of tennis balls for each match.

If you have any questions, queries or problems then please don't hesitate to contact Chris or Eustace.


Enjoy your matches,


Chris Tinker (07970 577614) and Eustace Johnson (07745616225)