June Newsletter
Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00

June 2024 Newsletter
Tennis Court Refurbishment
You will all have received a detailed email regarding the plans for Courts 7, 8 & 9.
Any members wishing to assist with any part of the process please contact Ellinore Lightbody elchisel@gmail.com
Club Tennis Championships 2024 Open to all players.
Get ready to showcase your skills and compete for the title of club champion.
We want tennis players to feel that there is an event for them.
We have both Junior and adult events with guaranteed matches in Plate as well as the main draw.
Ladies Open / Men’s Open / Men’s Doubles / Ladies Doubles / Mixed Doubles /Parent and Child Cup 9 and Under / Parent and Child Cup 18 and Under / American Doubles - Social Players / American Doubles - Team Players / Men’s Doubles '110 Club' / Ladies Doubles '110 Club'
For more information hit the link below
Let’s get those entries in!
Thank you David Williams
Social Tennis
Social tennis is going from strength to strength on both Saturdays (2-4pm) and Tuesdays (6.15-7.45 pm)
We have also been lucky enough to have some coaching sessions on a Tuesday evening from 6-7pm from James (kindly loaned from ACE coaching). Thank you to Dai and James, members are loving the session.
Summer Club Day July 27th
Get your tickets for our Summer Club Day- Saturday 27th July. BBQ, Summer Squash League Finals and American Tennis ournament. Please note- for those wanting to enter the tennis tournament please ensure your name is added to the ‘tennis list’ when you purchase your ticket at the bar. Any queries, ask Kerry, Craig or Dave Allnatt.
We are looking for raffle donations for our Summer Club Day. If any members would like to make a donation of any sort eg businesses you may know who could offer their services as a donation, please let us know by contacting Kerry on 07825740395
Ladies Internal League - Successful 1st season.
On a swelteringly hot Sunday afternoon in early June, the final round of the first ladies internal league was played.The day was ‘won’ by the top-scoring pair Sandra & Betsan, The team accumulating the most points over the course of the league was the Triple Threats, captained by Mandy Griffiths
The league was set up to provide an opportunity to experience doubles matchplay, for new members and social players, as well as for those who have had some involvement with league tennis but would like more. More than 30 ladies took part in matches over 4 months
Congratulations to them, and a big thank you to everyone who took part in the league, especially the team captains. Thank you also to Ellinore for providing the inspiration for the league, and the prizes.
We plan to start another league, with a different format based on feedback received from this inaugural one, after the end of the summer match season. Watch this space!
The top-scoring four teams met each other in the semi-final on June 2nd, and the top scoring two teams were to contest the final. However, the heat of the afternoon proved to be a bridge too far, and by mutual agreement the players retired for much-needed refreshments.
Angela Gisby
Congratulations to the A and B teams who have both gained trophies in the Annual Squash Wales Presentation evening. The A team for winning the Winter Premier League and B Team for winning promotion into Premier B. Well done players and captains Dan Webb and Cam White.
Successful 1 Day Open Squash Tournament Held on June 22nd!
ST&SC hosted a thrilling squash tournament on June 22nd, running from 9am to 5pm. The event, held in a Monrad format, saw 32 participants across grades A to D, showcasing exceptional talent and sportsmanship from across the club and the rest of Wales.
Participants and Winners
Grade D: - Winner:Freddie Brown - Runner-up: Alfie Dancer
Grade C: - Winner:Phil Monaghan - Runner-up: James Aggatt
Grade B: - Winner: Millie Breach - Runner-up: Evan Hodge
Grade A: - Winner: Dan Anderson -Runner-up: Archie Chatwin
All winners and runners up received prizes supported by KARAKAL.
Additional thanks go to Archie Chatwin for organising the first 1 day event, the Management Committee for their support esp Tom, Wendy & Justin . In addition Simon Wright for marking throughout the day and Dave Allnatt for helping with the setup the night before and always being ready to lend a hand.
The smooth execution of the tournament was thanks to the collective effort of everyone involved, from marking to participation. The camaraderie and dedication displayed were truly commendable. Thank you Archie.
Wackers racketball event held on 12th June.
Wackers normally play squash all year with squash competition and dinner in December. Racketball is played once a year, (just an excuse for another dinner).
John Lukes won the main cup beating Pete Marsh. Jerry Richards won the plate beating Rob Hopping.
Any members wishing to join in this social group please contact Steve Noot steven.noot@yahoo.co.uk or John Lukes, johnlukesgb@gmail.com.
Craig for looking after our first aid kits.
Archie for organising the Squash Tournament
Rachel for tending the flower beds especially in the drought !
Gavin Young for adding to the army of clay sweepers.
All captains for continuing to keep the club teams successful.
Lost Property
Numerous items left around the clubhouse, including shoes, trainers, coats, kit and a backpack have been moved to the rear upstairs club room. They will be taken off site next week.as we are running out of storage space.
Forthcoming events
Member Party July 20th
Club Day 27th July.
Squash Open Tournament TBC August /October
Finals Night Tennis Champs Sept 14th
Marie Curie Tournament Sept 22nd.