Maintenance of Artificial Clay Courts

The new artificial clay courts have been a major investment for the club and it is important that we keep them in good condition.

While maintenance arrangements will be put in place to keep the facilities in good order, it is important that all members and visitors play their part in looking after the courts and do not assume that the Committee and coaches will do this for you.

The artificial clay courts consist of a carpet layer with loose sand infill which is intended to cover the carpet fibres. The surface will be damaged if play takes place when the carpet fibres are exposed and it is therefore vitally important that players drag the surface after every time they play. Should the tufts be generally visible please notify the Committee so that it can be topped up.

We ask all members to be vigilant about checking if courts have been dragged. Please speak to any players who are obviously leaving the courts without doing this and report to Committee members if you arrive at the courts and dragging has not previously been done. Coaches will ensure that juniors in the programme will be shown how to do the dragging.

There are a number of other ways for members to help preserve the quality of the Club’s facilities and enhance the playing experience for all:

• There will be a foot mat at the gates for the artificial clay courts. Please ensure that you stampyour shoes to remove sand on leaving the courts and brush off any dirt on entering.

• Please do not leave litter, plastic bottles or old balls on the courts.

Dragging the Artificial Clay Courts.

There are four brushes located around courts 1-3. The courts must be dragged with these mats after every time you play to spread the sand infill so that the carpet underlay is completely covered. Allow 5 minutes for this task before you need to leave to ensure the courts are ready for the next players. If needed, remove any leaves or other rubbish first so that they are not spread over the courts.

Start at one net post and drag the mat across the court along the line of the net, then head down the side of the court outside the tramlines towards the fence, cross the back of the court along the fence and continue walking in an inward spiral motion until you are in the middle of that side of the court. Repeat the same action at the other end of the court. Do not simply drag the mats across the courts as this takes the sand away from the playing surface where it is needed.

Please replace the drag mats on their hooks after use.

Line Brush - There are line brushes available on the courts. As the lines will gradually get covered by sand you may wish to use these brushes to clear the lines before play.