Our Committee

Tennis Isle of Man is run by a team of volunteers.

Each year our Registered Clubs elect an Executive Committee which has the responsibility for running the sport in the Isle of Man.  This Committee meets quarterly to determine the ongoing strategy of tennis on the Island.

Executive Committee main responsibilities:

  • Supporting Island Clubs with LTA Policy on Development, Facilities, Regulation and Standards
  • Operations
  • Financial claims and budget
  • Safeguarding
  • Sponsorship
  • GDPR

The Executive Committee meets quarterly to discuss supporting Clubs on the Island with development, facility maintenance, policies and standards, receives feedback from the Operations Officer and the TDO, discusses any budget issues and financial claims, safeguarding issues and policy updates, and the latest league information.


  • Chairperson – Andrew Farnworth - chairman@iomtennis.com
  • Secretary – Paul Jarvis - secreatry@iomtennis.com
  • Treasurer – Dominic Buttery - treasurer@iomtennis.com
  • Assistant Treasurer - Wendy Crocker
  • County Safeguarding & Welfare Officer – Shibu Augustian - welfare@iomtennis.com
  • Operations – Chris Butler - operations@iomtennis.com
  • League Secretary – Paul Jarvis
  • Club Chairpersons