As a coach it is my purpose to educate, motivate and inspire, both on and off court. I am comitted to improving my craft and services inorder to help others become the best they can be.

These are the three key components of a TENNIS PLAYER.

Character: Respect, Honesty, Resilience, Patience, Adaptability, Gratitude and Grit. Tennis helps children to learn and develop these skills, all of these can carry over into other areas of their life.

Athlete: Through playing tennis and recieving coaching, children will develop all 8 key areas of athletic ability.

Agility, Balance, Coordination, Speed, Strength, Power, Endurance, and Flexibitly. 

Player: Smart - good on court decision making, Skill-full - racket, foot and body skills, Efficient strokes - function over style.

Being a successful junior tennis player is an amazing achievement, however it means less if Character and Athletic ability are not prioritised. 


Fair Play

Fair Play is an essential value in tennis. We are committed to ensuring that tennis is played in a fair, open and inclusive nature at all levels.

Just as relevant in a fun game with friends as it is in a Grand Slam or major tennis tournament, Fair Play includes:

  • Good sportsmanship, honesty and respect whether you win or lose
  • Learning to challenge yourself and improve social skills
  • Taking responsibility for your actions, calling scores and lines clearly and fairly even if it costs you the point
  • Learning and following the rules and being a role model to younger people
  • Enjoyment of the sport

It is important for everyone to uphold Fair Play both on and off court whether it be players, parents, coaches, officials or volunteers.