We strive to ensure that all children, young people and adults at risk are safeguarded from abuse and have an enjoyable tennis experience. 

Everyone who is involved in tennis has a shared responsibility to support this by promoting the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk.

Tennis at our park sites is administered by Tennis Wales Ltd who follow the LTA's safeguarding policies and procedures. See the Childrens and Adults policies below;

LTA Safeguarding Adult Policy

LTA Safeguarding Childrens Policy


Please also find the links below to both our own Tennis Wales Welfare documents;

Tennis Wales Safeguarding Policy 

Tennis Wales Diversity and Inclusion Policy

How to report a safeguarding concern?

Tennis Wales Safeguarding Officer:

Mark Vaughan is the Welfare Officer for Tennis Wales and is available to discuss any concerns or worries you may have -

07984 978011     OR

Mark is the Tennis Wales Safeguarding Officer, supporting the tennis network of 16,000 members, 83 venues, 220 coaches and more than 500 volunteers across Wales.

Mark works part time, with time time being split the office and out on the field.



Local Authority  Referral Contact Numbers ;

The police in an emergency (999);


Cardiff  Parks

Local Authority Children’s Services, Cardiff City Council 029 2053 6490 or out of hours 029 2078 8570

Local Authority Adult Services, Cardiff City Council 029 2233 0888 or out of hours 029 2078 8570


Swansea Parks 

Swansea Single Point of Contact (SPOC)  OR   01792 635700

Vale of Glamorgan Parks

Local Authority Children’s Services, Vale of Glamorgan Council 01446 725202 or out of hours 029 20 788570 (Children Board - Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Regional Safeguarding Board (

Local Authority Adult Services, Vale of Glamorgan Council 01446 725100 or out of hours 029 20 788570 (Safeguarding Adults Board - Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Regional Safeguarding Board (


Guidance on reporting a concern

Reporting a concern within tennis (Flowchart)
Reporting a concern outside of tennis (Flowchart)

Supportive Links

Mental Health Foundation
NSPCC - Child Protection in Sport
NSPCC - Main Site  / Tel: 0808 800 5000
Rights of the Child
Safe to Play Tennis
Young Minds
Samaritans Wales
Mind - Mental Health & Well-being
Mind - Main Site