

On Tuesday 19th March Troon Lawn Tennis Club hosted the Marr Cluster Primary School Tennis Festival.

This event came at the end of a 9 week programme of tennis activity delivered by Troon Tennis Coaches Brian Knox and Graham English in Barassie Primary, Struthers Primary, Muirhead Primary, St Patricks Primary, Dundonald Primary and Troon Primary.

The morning was led by Troon head tennis coach Brian, who welcomed 24 enthusiastic pupils from Muirhead Primary, St Patricks Primary and Troon Primary who all took part in varied types of activity where they were assisted by 6 Ayrshire College Sports and Fitness HNC Students along with Mairi Johnstone and Nikki Lawson from South Ayrshire Active Schools.

The event was held in partnership with Tennis Scotland, South Ayrshire Active Schools, and Troon Lawn Tennis Club.

A very big thanks goes out to all of them and to Troon Primary who allowed the event to go head in their gym hall due to the uncertain weather conditions.

Everyone enjoyed a fun morning!