Tennis for Teens

TW Tennis offers players who are aged between 11-16yrs a chance to get on court, get active and play tennis every week!

Our specifically designed tennis classes aimed at teenagers include lots of easy to follow drills and advice, some social activities and exercises to allow players to make friends and interact within the group, and also some introductions to competitions within the classes. 

Lessons are booked via 6 week coaching blocks with some classes offering longer sessions to suit each players requirements. Our weekend teen classes also encourage players to come down and mix in with other players each week - these are vital ways for teenagers to blow off some steam or prevent them getting bored indoors!

When and How to Book?

Bookings are now open for our new term of lessons starting from Saturday 7th January and running for 13 weeks. Classes costs from £180 per person for a full term. Shorter courses are availabel and payment can be made in installments for those looking to spread the costs. For a full timetable please visit our TW Tennis information site at