Membership Packages

WELCOME!  Here are the 13 membership packages we have on offer.  We have tried hard to offer a wide range of  flexible lifestyle packages to suit you all.   

We're sure there will be something for everyone.  

Here's an at-a-glance all our membership fees on one page

For more information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we'll get back to you super fast

We look forward to hearing from you



50:50 Club Fund

Monthly membership

The 50:50 Club Fund helps support club developments and local charities by taking 50% of the monthly payments by members, and having a prize draw 4 times a year where 1 member will win half of the pot and the other 50% will be donated charity

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Couples Adult Annual Membership

12 months membership

Single annual couples membership

Eligibility: Couples over 16. Couples are defined as 2 people married, engaged or otherwise romantically linked who live in the same household. Evidence of residence will be sought in the form of utility bills, drivers licence etc

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Couples Adult Monthly Membership

Monthly membership

Monthly adult membership for couples. This package will entitle members to play at a cost of £60 per couple

Eligibility: Couples over 16. Couples are defined as 2 people married, engaged or otherwise romantically linked who live in the same household. Evidence of residence will be sought in the form of utility bills, drivers licence etc

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Family Monthly Membership

Monthly membership

This allows 2 adults and their children to play unlimited padel - 12 month subscription

Eligibility: 2 adults and children aged 18 and under (or in FT Education - matriculation to be provided).

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Off Peak Adult Monthly

Monthly membership

Off peak play. No play Monday -Thursday 1800-2200, Saturday and Sunday 1000-12 noon. Play in peak time will carry individual court fee

Eligibility: Over 16's

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Off-Peak Couples Monthly

Monthly membership

Off-Peak couples monthly membership. Non-play times include Mon-Thursday 1800-2200 and Saturday and Sunday 10-12 noon. Play in peak time will carry the regular individual court fee

Eligibility: Couples over 16. Couples are defined as 2 people married, engaged or otherwise romantically linked who live in the same household. Evidence of residence will be sought in the form of utility bills, drivers licence etc

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Pay-As -You -Play

12 months membership

Pay-as-you-play allows you to join the membership for an annual fee and a reduced court fee (£28 ph vs £30 ph). The price shown is the current ANNUAL FEE paid in advance. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILTY OF THE PAYP MEMBER TO MAKE PAYMENT FOR EACH GAME

Eligibility: Over 16's

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Single Adult Annual Membership

12 months membership

Single Annual Payment

Eligibility: Over 16 yrs

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Single Adult Monthly - FT Student Membership

Monthly membership

Heavily discounted full access membership on production of full time student matriculation card

Eligibility: Full-time students on presentation of matriculation card

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Single Adult Monthly Membership

Monthly membership

Membership entitles unlimited play at no additional cost

Eligibility: Over 16's

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Winter 6-month Single Adult Membership

01/10/2024- 31/03/2025

6-month subscription running from October to end March

Choose payment option

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