WH Tennis Terms and Conditions aim to present a fair sustainable structure to all. We are committed to the safety of all customers who attend our group coaching courses and lessons and to deliver the highest standard of service.

Participating in a WH Tennis coaching class is entirely at your own risk without any proven negligence, breach of duty of care or lack of due diligence by WH Tennis, or its coaches. 

Group Coaching Bookings

  1. Booking for coaching sessions is made online in advance at
  2. Payment is through our online booking system.
  3. All bookings are made via ClubSpark.  Payment is regarded as acceptance of these terms and conditions. 
  4. If payment is made through any other way than card payment using the online booking system, your place will only be confirmed on full payment.
  5. On booking a group coaching course, players will receive a booking confirmation listing the classes/sessions which have been booked.  We reserve the right to amend these classes/sessions.
  6. Coaching sessions must be booked in the name of the player and are non-transferable to anyone else. 
  7. Places on our coaching programmes are subject to availability and are sold on a first come first served basis.  We do not have a priority booking system for players on group coaching courses.
  8. If a player misses a session we are unable to offer a refund, credit or make-up session. 
  9. Players booking and attending a coaching session are assumed to be fully fit. If this is not the case, the player or their guardian must inform the coach at the outset of the lesson in advance of any medical condition or disability which may be relevant to the coaching session.  This should also be recorded in advance on the player's ClubSpark profile. We must also be notified of any change or deterioration of any such medical condition or disability.  We will keep this information confidential and handle such issues with discretion.  We will always try to include any such individuals within out coaching programme wherever possible. 
  10. Adult players must have on their ClubSpark profile an emergency contact number which is relevant to the time of the lesson, so that a person may be contacted in the event of an emergency.
  11. Players bringing any medical equipment to their lesson must indicate to the coach at the outset of the lesson the location of the medical equipment so it can be located quickly and easily in the event of an emergency.
  12. WH Tennis reserves the right to refuse entry onto a coaching course, or advise a more appropriate session if any participant is found not to be of the appropriate age/ability for the group.
  13. In the case of a coaching term time course with too few players booked on, we reserve the right to cancel that course and offer either a private lesson in its place or an alternative term time course of the appropriate age/ability. 
  14. While every effort will be made to provide the coach advertised for a specific session, we reserve the right to change that coach and offer a suitable alternative coach for the session.
  15. The person(s) in charge of any group coaching course will always be LTA accredited, DBS checked and insured. 

Cancellation Policy

  1. This clause applies to those Bookings where a charge is payable.
  2. We understand that there may be many valid reasons for you to cancel or request to change the date and time of your course/class place. However, the nature of our courses/classes means there are limited spaces, and we rely on customers keeping to their arranged classes/sessions where possible. 
  3. We cannot offer any exchanges or refunds if your course is going ahead on the date and time originally planned and specified in the course booking.
  4. In the event you cannot attend a refund will not be possible. You may offer your place to a friend as a gift provided you inform, in advance, your lead coach. 
  5. Regrettably we cannot offer discounts, refunds, credits or rollover/make-up sessions to cover personal circumstances including and not limited to injury, booked holidays, illness, double-booking and work commitments due to the need to ensure continuity of service. You may offer your place to a friend who is also of an appropriate standard if you know you are unable to attend. You would need to inform, in advance, your lead coach in this instance.
  6. Our weather policy is set out on our ClubSpark website.  These form part of our terms and conditions.