Club News


The WTC AGM 2024

Introducing your club committee for this year, as agreed at the AGM held on Tuesday 16th April. The AGM minutes and associated reports are also online.

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New Winter League Champion Crowned!

After one of the closest and tensest finishes in club history, Peter Trenholm was a worthy winner of this year's league

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Memberships for the New Season are now Open!

All our packages for 2024/25 are now loaded and are available in the Memberships section!

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Membership Fees for 2024/2025

At our March Committee meeting it was decided to slightly reduce and simplify family memberships but also remove the OAP category for the 24/25 season.

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Club Picnic with Tennis and Rounders

On Sunday 3rd September we held our latest club picnic in glorious weather at the courts

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New Safeguarding Policy Documents Available

A new WTC Safeguarding Policy document and Venue Safeguarding Policy Statement are now online

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Re-surfacing and re-painting of the courts is complete

The courts are now fully open again and look wonderful with their new colours.

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Free Coaching Re-commences for 2023

We are delighted to announce 6 weeks of Free Coaching for members will take place on Tuesday evenings from May 2nd

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Club Open Morning

Open Morning, Monday 1st May (9.45 - 13:00pm) with Free Coaching and new member discounts!

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Annual General Meeting

The 2023 WTC AGM will take place at 7.30pm on Tuesday 18th April in the Committee Room of Willaston Memorial Hall. Further details are given here.

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