Team Tennis

South & Mid Cheshire Tennis League
We currently have four men’s teams and one mixed team in the Slazenger South & Mid Cheshire Summer Tennis League:
- Winsford Men’s A team in the second division.
- Winsford Men’s B team in the third division.
- Winsford Men’s C team in the fifth division.
- Winsford Mixed A team in the first division.
We also have two teams in the Slazenger South & Mid Cheshire Winter and Spring Tennis League (both men and women can play in these teams):
- Winsford A team in the second division.
- Winsford B team in the fourth division.
Details and results for the Slazenger South & Mid Cheshire Tennis League can be found here:
A record of all end of season results will be kept here from 2015 onwards:
We are really hoping to add a women’s team in 2018 if we get enough ladies who are keen to play!
The photo below was taken in September 2016 after one of the most successful years in the Club’s history. Club and team members can be seen holding the eight trophies that Winsford Lawn Tennis Club claimed over the 2015/16 Winter and Spring Season, as well as the 2016 Summer Season.