October camps and clinics


KIDS - Mornings and afternoons | Recommended ages 4 to 8 | For busy parents who need to leave their children in a safe and fun environment.

TENNIS - Mornings and afternoons | Recommended ages 5 to 14 | Have fun learning and improving the basics.

CLINICS - Evenings | Ages 11 to adults | For development and competitive players looking for an intensive course to take their game to the next level or prepare for competitions.

Unsure what the best option(s) for you is? Check our player information or contact us at waverleysacademy@gmail.com



Monday 14th - Sunday 20th October

Booking confirmation before Monday 30th September is recommended to guarantee that the camp goes ahead.

Fill out the form below choosing the days and times you want.



8:30-9:00 | Early drop off (optional)

9:00 12:00 | Morning session - KIDS (ages 4-8) and TENNIS/SQUASH (ages 5-14)

12:00 - 13:00 | Lunch club (optional, except for juniors attending the morning and afternoon sessions). Indoor chill zone available.

13:00-16:00 | Afternoon session - KIDS (ages 4-8) and TENNIS/SQUASH (ages 5-14)

16:00-16:30 | Late pick up (optional)

17:00-19:00 | CLINICS, ages 11 to adults



  • Check-in / Registration
  • Group warm-Up (kids and tennis/squash)
  • Split into groups according to chosen option, age and ability. TENNIS/SQUASH - challenges, drills and gameplay with breaks when needed  |  KIDS - activities and games (more info in FAQs) with breaks when needed.
  • Group activity/game
  • Check-out



Check our prices HERE.



Please remember to bring:

  • Food/snacks, drink/water bottle, etc
  • Sun protection - sunglasses, cap, sun cream, etc
  • Suitable clothing - extra t-shirt, a rain jacket, etc
  • Any medicines? Asthma inhalers, for example



If you have any questions about our camps please see our FAQs on the resources page or email us (waverleysacademy@gmail.com) and we'll respond as soon as we can.