
New Wheelchair Access

Sleaford Tennis Club has recently introduced coached tennis sessions for wheelchair users.

Interest is growing quickly now that access to the Tennis Club has been enabled thanks to the co-operation and full support of local agencies working together.

The club purchased its own sports wheelchair last summer and the demand has been such that before Christmas we were able to purchase a second chair thanks to a generous donation from a local sponsor.

We are also shortly to receive 2 more sports wheelchairs thanks to an application by Lincolnshire Lawn Tennis Association to Sport England.

We thank The Grantham Tennis Club Charity for funding a paved area for wheelchair access to the Club from Park Crescent.

We thank Sleaford Town Council for agreeing and facilitating the laying of the new path. They have gone on to upgrade the bridge surface and railings which is of great benefit to all not just those using the tennis courts.

We would like to thank Lincolnshire County Council for the provision of the dropped kerb allowing the wheelchairs to access the bridge.

We make tennis available to everyone and would welcome local groups covering all disabilities.

Fully inclusive wheelchair coaching takes place every Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm with our coach Neil Rossiter, himself a wheelchair player.

Everyone is welcome; wheelchair user or able-bodied.

We challenge everyone to come and have a go! All equipment provided including the sports wheelchair.

The cost for the 2 hours is £8 for members or £10 for non-members.

A free taster session is offered.

Our coach, Neil Rossiter, himself a wheelchair user says: “You don’t know until you try and you’ll be amazed at the results.”


The picture shows our coach, Neil Rossiter using the new paved access.