Club Roles

The Club leadership team are in  touch regularly as a commiteee  and with each other to help  in the running of the club. However, not everything that needs attention has to be done by someone on the commitee.  One day we may have 500 members and can employ a super-efficent administrator who does everything.  Until then, as a small village club  it needs everyone to pitch in.

Not sure what the committee does? Read more in the  A to Z of Club Admin

If you would like to join the committee we would love your help.  However if you don't have the time  or the inclination  to join the commitee you can still make a difference and help make this a better club.  All we need is for members - new or old -  to take responisbility for just one distinct task.

Listed below are the  main commitee roles as defined by the Club  Rules  .

Also listed are a  number of other roles  that past committees have found  useful when  considering the  structure and activities required of a successful committee and well led club. You don't need to be on the commitee if you don't want to be. Some tasks might require just one hour a month, some just one hour every few months.

Please note that  this page is a work-in-progress and the the role descripions  are in a draft form with very generic LTA role descriptions.  The Club will update the  page and the descriptions so that the roles and tasks better reflect what happens at NCTC.

If you would like to be involved or help in any way then please let us know.  All offers of help always gratefully received.

Main Committee Roles

Other Tasks and Roles

Yoiu don't need to be on the commitee to help build a thriving club and spread the load of running the club. There is a never ending list of task that can be done by anyone with an hour or two. Here are a few 

  • Maintenance Organsier (eg leaf removal, weeding, fence repair)
  • Clubspark Administrator
  • Website and Social Media Administartor
  • Social Media Coordinator: 
  • Events Coordinator
  • Coaching coordinator
  • Club Main Contact
  • Grants and Funding Coordinator 
  • Club Session Mentor and Champion