Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I join mid-season?
The membership year runs from 1st April through to 31st March. We reduce our membership fees pro-rata three times a year, on 1st July, 1st October and 1st January - if you join later in the season, you will only pay for the portion of the season remaining.
How do I pay for my membership?
You can make payment for your membership on-line with GoCardless. You will need to specify your bank sort code and account number and your payment is processed as a direct debit. This is a one-off payment for this membership year. ALTC will not automatically debit your account in subsequent years, so you always have full control over your renewal.
If you prefer, you may also make payment by bank transfer direct to the Club account. Unfortunately we are not able to accept payment via cash or cheque.
Can I bring a guest?
Yes - we welcome guests. All you need to do is sign your guest in, via the visitor's book in the clubhouse before commencing play and post the applicable visitor's fee in the black letterbox in the clubhouse. Charges are £3.00 for adults and £1.50 for juniors per visit. You can bring guests as often as you like, but an individual can only come to the club 6 times per year as a guest.
Do I need to pay for floodlights?
No - your membership fee covers unlimited use of the floodlights when you are playing. Please be sensible though and only illuminate the court you are playing on. We want to keep those electricity bills down!
What's in the Clubhouse?
Inside the clubhouse, you'll find toilets, showers, changing facilities, a kitchen with oven, microwave, fridge and tea and coffee making facilities. Please help yourself to a drink (milk is not provided though, so you might want to bring your own). We just ask that you tidy up after yourself by washing up and putting and put away all glasses, cups and so on. There is also a plentiful supply of used balls that you are welcome to help yourself to. The clubhouse is often open if there are other club members playing, but you may want your own key so you can guarantee access when you need it. Keys cost £6.00 deposit - please contact the membership secretary or Craig, the head coach, to get one.
How can I find other people to play with?
The quickest way to meet other members is to join in with some club activities - clubnight, social Sundays, box leagues and match practice or coaching are great places to meet others. And don't be shy - introduce yourself as a new member and let people know that you are looking for a game. We are a pretty friendly bunch and if you enjoy playing with someone and want to get in touch to arrange another hit, all members who opt in are on our contact sheet, so getting an email address or phone number is simple.
What is the club like?
If you'd like to test the waters, please do come along to a club night or social Sunday session and see for yourself! You'll also get an idea of club life by taking a peek at our Club Facebook or Instagram. We like to think we are big enough to provide opportunities for all standard of player, but small enough to be friendly - the Goldilocks of tennis clubs! As well as evenings and weekends, there is also a really vibrant midweek daytime tennis scene, if you are lucky enough to be able to play then.