How the club is run
The Club is run by entirely by its Members.
All of our Members contribute to the smooth running of the club, whether through occaisionally sweeping a court, keeping the clubhouse tidy or taking part or organising league matches and social events. There is no requirement for any member to do more than simply be a good club member. Put a little more in than you take out, and the club can blossom.
Many Members enjoy taking a more active role in things, be it team captains or the Friday ladies morning, perhaps helping with mini tennis squads to organising a competition. If you would like to get more involved please do not hesitate to speak to any of the Committee. All help is greatly received no matter how large or small.
Members who would like to become more involved in the management of the Club can put their names forward to join the Committee. The Committee meets roughly six times a year to manage the Club, with each Committee member taking on a different aspect of the club management. If there is any matter you wish to be raised at the next Committee meeting, or if you are interested in becoming a Committee member, please contact the Chairman or any of the members below.
The current Committee members (elected annually at the club's AGM) are as follows:
President: Bryan Sharp
Chairman: Tim Davies
Club Secretary: Pat Sharp
Membership Secretary: Jan Gaskill
Treasurer: David Bufton
Welfare Officer: Carolina Ganzo
Committee Member: Ray Roberts
Committee Member: David Wormald
Club Coach: Sean Drewry
Club Coach: Max Stokoe