Why Join Albany

Well if you love tennis, that’s a pretty good reason! Whatever your current standard you will enjoy playing on our fabulous new outdoor courts which are soft on the joints and drain quickly after those rare Manx showers, which means you can play far more often. Playing more often, of course, leads to faster improvement in your game. When the weather is persistently inclement you can still play using our impressive indoor court.

All of us are more aware of our fitness levels these days. Increasingly, tennis is being viewed as a good sport to play to get fit and fitter. It is an all body workout, which Bjorn Borg once described as “a thousand little sprints”. The quick anaerobic and aerobic movements that you do not even realise you are making burn fat, increase your heart rate and promote higher energy levels. In addition to the cardiovascular health benefits of tennis, the game also provides strength training in your legs, arms and upper body. And it's not just in a static, repetitive set of muscles. A tennis game requires players to move side to side, up and back and at differing speeds which tests a variety of muscles in your legs. Also the inherent movements in a typical game help to improve forearm strength, back muscles and the all-important core development.

Tennis even develops our brains! Tennis requires geometry and physics, and can help develop tactical thinking similar to playing a game of strategy. Since a large proponent of playing tennis involves alertness and tactical thinking to develop shot patterns, the sport helps to generate new connections between nerves in the brain. Played over the course of many years, tennis can help improve or maintain brain development, keeping you alert and sharp well into your golden years.

The more you play tennis, the more you develop the fine motor skills required in ball striking, gauging distance and personal co-ordination. This range of benefits has been proven to apply at ANY age – it is never too late!

Tennis tests your balance, speed, footwork and hand-eye coordination through a variety of techniques and movements. The better you become on the courts, you can also expect these attributes improve other aspects of your life.