Weekly Play Schedule

We love to see the courts full and the club busy and want our members to play as much as possible. However as you would expect some times are more popular than others.

To allow for as much flexibility as possible during potentially busy times, the club operates a court priority system instead of a booking system. This is reviewed on an ongoing basis by the committee.

A court may become available for Indepenent Play during coaching hours due to smaller group numbers or cancellations - check with the coach on the day.

Please avoid Independent Play on Saturday mornings and check the Team Fixture List for possible Sunday morning court time.

We are currently updating the online Weekly Play Schedule - the most up to date version is the noticeboard copy in the clubhouse - please bear with us and ignore the links below for now - thanks!

To view, click on the links for each day below, or you can see a physical copy on the clubhouse noticeboard.



Court priorities are based on the following key:

Jnr Coaching - Junior Coaching - for more information and to book, go to Junior Coaching.
Ind Coaching - Regular individual coaching session booked independently with the coach.
Gp Coaching - Adult Group Coaching - for more information and to book, go to Adult Group Coaching.
Mix-In - Adult Mix-in - Turn up and play - Over 18s and Juniors with Senior Status welcome.
Mix & Matchplay - New for Spring '23 - Coach Organised Adult Matchplay - Check website for start date.
Club Match - Teams playing for Amherst LTC against other clubs in the Sussex and Wealden Leagues.
Junior Club - Organised play and practice for juniors - for more information, go to Junior Coaching.

Independent Play - Where the schedule is blank, play is arranged independently - singles or doubles. If people are waiting, play one set and then give up your court in turns to any waiting players. Individual coaching may also be arranged during independent play times - the coaching team will try their best to book lessons at less busy times.

Please note - Off Peak Members are restricted to the following times:

  • Monday - Friday 8am to 4pm  /  Saturday - 2pm onwards

Junior Holiday Camps - During the School Holidays there will be temporary variations in place to accommodate Holiday Camps - these changes may be notified separately to members by e-mail.

Club Tournament Matches - These will take priority over general independent play and restrict some of the mix-in courts - a temporary court booking system will be put in place for tournament matches to manage the impact.

Box League Matches – These are arranged between players during Independent Play times.

Special Events – Members will be notified by e-mail of any tournaments or events that take priority over the Weekly Play Schedule.