
Arundel Lawn Tennis Club

Club Location: Mill Road, Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9PA

Telephone:  (Membership or General enquiries) -  07591341927



Where to find us

The Club is located off Mill Road, close to the centre of the town. Follow the A27 (from either direction) to the roundabout closest to the railway station. Coming from the East this is the first roundabout immediately after the station – take the second exit to the Town Centre. Coming from the West there is a signpost just before the roundabout showing two exits, one to the Town Centre and one to the railway station – take the first of these.

Once off the A27, follow the road past the White Hart on your right, cross the river and turn right (third exit) at the roundabout immediately after the bridge. This is Mill Road – continue on this road for about 200 yards. You will pass a carpark, putting green and childrens’ playground on your right. Immediately after the playground is small track. Continue down this track until after it bends round to the right. The entrance to the Club is then immediately on your left. Please note that there are two public tennis courts just off this track and the Club is beyond these.


The Club currently has no official postcode but using BN18 9PA will lead to the very nearby putting green on Mill Road.

Arundel Lawn Tennis Club
Arundel Lawn Tennis Club, Mill Road, ARUNDEL Sussex BN18 9PA