Smiths Cup
Smiths Cup (incorporating Play Your Way to Wimbledon)
Ladies’ – Saturday 5th April 2025
Men’s - Sunday 6th April 2025
- Doubles Tournament
- Senior, Senior Juniors and Student Members may enter.
- Sign-Up Sheets in the Clubhouse.
- Deadline for Entries - Wednesday 2nd April
There were 5 pairs in the Men’s Smith’s Cup, including three father and son teams. The event was blessed with good weather, sunny and mild for a change, and some good tennis and fun points. The winners were Robert Bozier and Stuart Aberdeen on 23 points, with Chris Ezra and Santtu Asp on 21. The Ladies’ Smith’s Cup was also well-supported. The winners were Jaime Sims and Sue White winning 28 points. Runners up were Sam Rush and Gill Stoney on 26 points.