Instructions for the new Salto card entry system

We have now installed the new  card entry system at the tennis courts. Below are some simple instructions on how the system works.

Entering the courts

Hold your card in front of the Salto lock. The green lights on top of the lock will flash. Turn the Salto lock anticlockwise within 6 seconds, then turn the gate handle to open the gate.

You can watch a short video of this operation here - it is best to watch the video with your sound muted as it was a little breezy when they were filmed!

If you don't turn the Salto lock within 6 seconds the lock will flash red and will reset as shown here

On the inside of the gate there is a simple thumb lock. Turn this lock anticlockwise to lock the gate from the inside as shown here. This will ensure that only other members can unlock the gate and enter the courts.

Accessing the club hut

The gate between the courts and the club hut is operated by a simple thumb lock from the court side. On the other side is a key lock as shown here. If anyone accidentally turns the thumb lock while you are in the club hut you will find a key in the club hut to unlock the gate.

The club hut has a second card operated Salto lock fitted. To enter the club hut present your card. The lock will flash green. Turn the Salto lock anticlockwise and turn the door handle to open the door as shown here. This lock also has a 6 second reset.

Leaving the club hut

Pull the door closed and pull the door handle upwards until you hear the locks engaging. Hold you card against the Salto lock and when the lights flash green turn the lock clockwise to lock the door as shown here.

When you go through the gates back onto the court please turn the thumb lock on the court side anticlockwise to lock the gate as shown here. This will ensure that no one can climb over the bank at the back of the courts and enter the courts.

Leaving the courts

When you leave the court turn the thumb lock clockwise to unlock the gate and turn the gate handle to open the gate. Then close the gate and make sure the handle engages in the lock. Hold your card against the Salto lock and when it flashes green turn it clockwise to lock the gate. Please check that the lock has engaged before leaving as shown here.

If you have any issues with the locks or notice any damage please contact xxxx