Coaching at Ayscoughfee Gardens

Free Park Tennis Sessions - Coming soon. 

Free Parks Tennis open sessions will be coming soon to Ayscoughfee Gardens, delivered by Volunteer Tennis Activators. These sessions will take place on Saturday or Sunday's between 10am - 11am.

If you are interested in our Free Parks Tennis session or becoming a Tennis Activator (free training provided) please contact to register your interest. You can also visit the LTA website to find out more about becoming an activator and accessing the free online training. Free Park Tennis Activators | Tennis Volunteers | LTA


Coaching at Ayscoughfee Gardens 

South Holland District Council are interested in working in partnership to develop regular coaching opportunities at Ayscoughfee Gardens to support adults, juniors and families enjoy tennis in a welcoming, fun and inclusive environment. 

If you are an qualified and accredited LTA tennis coach or operator a coaching company and would be interested in developing tennis coaching opportunities please email to express your interest.