Contact and Visiting

For all enquiries for tennis  please contact us by email on or contact customer services on 01775 761161. If you require a call back, please include your phone number in your message.

When the hall is closed we are unable to receive phone calls.  

Plan your visit to Ayscoughfee Garden Tennis Courts

Ayscoughfee Gardens are open from 8am, until 30 minutes before dusk. 

Entry to the Gardens is via Chestnut Avenue (next to the Vista car park). Entrance to the Gardens is free to all visitors.

Toilets - There are toilets outside in the Gardens. These are currently open, when the Cafe is open. These are located in the pavilion (next to the cafe), and include an accessible toilet that can be accessed with a RADAR key.

Ayscoughfee Hall Café is open Tuesday to Sunday, between 10am and 3pm. See their website or Facebook for more details- please note that the Cafe is a separate business from the Hall & Gardens, and we ask that you direct enquiries relating to the Cafe to them.

Ayscoughfee Hall Museum 

We are open on Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays,10am - 2pm. 


Ayscoughfee Hall is a few minutes walk from Spalding town centre. The address is: Ayscoughfee Hall, Churchgate, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2RA.

Entry to the Gardens, tennis courts and the rear of the Hall is in Chestnut Avenue (next to the Vista car park)

How to find us

Ayscoughfee Gardens
PE11 2RA

Get directions