Social tennis every Sunday
Come along to Sunday social – simply turn up and play! It gives you a chance to play, meet new friends and improve your tennis game! As a member of Bearsted & Thurnham Tennis Club, social tennis is a free session, and is a great way to get fit and active on a Sunday morning! Chance to improve doubles gameplay in a fun and friendly environment. The session will run from 10am to midday, and is for adults of all standrads and also children who have obtained their club colours.
Ecumenical Ladies Lunch Club
Monday 10th February, 11.30am-3.00pm in the clubhouse
Members please note that the main clubroom and kitchen will be unavailable to members during these times.
Bingo Night
Friday 28th February, 7pm prompt start in the clubhouse
Members and their guests are welcome to join us for our clubhouse Bingo Night...hosted by Dirk and Liz, who are planning a fun night of Bingo and a few suprises...the bar will be open and why not bring a picnic / takeaway to enjoy? Singles, couples, groups are all welcome - members plus one guest each.
£6 Cash entry fee.
Please email for your ticket requirements.
Maintenance Morning
Dates in May, June and September to be confirmed, 9am-12 noon
To help keep running costs of the club down we welcome all volunteers. We all 'muck in' and you can meet old and new friends. Whether you're a keen or a Professional Bodger we have small jobs for everyone, such as weeding, painting and hedge trimming (to name but a few) in order to keep the Clubhouse and Grounds in a good state of repair. If you are able to come along and help please could you contact David Paine. Please bring with you your own work gloves. We are particularly interested in anyone who has a tow bar as one of the jobs will be emptying the trailer at the back of the clubhouse to the nearest bottle bank. Some lunch and a drink will be provided to all volunteers.
Junior Summer and Easter Tennis Camps
Watch this space for dates in 2025
Camps usually cost around £15 a day and are run by MTA at Bearsted. To book your place please 07903 757722 or email
Chairman's Charity Golf & Dinner
Friday 1st August, at Bearsted Golf Club
Please hold the date. More details to follow nearer the time.
Autumn Ball
Saturday 11th October, at Bearsted Golf Club
Following last year's highly successful Autumn Ball, where 100 members and guests enjoyed an evening of fine food, dancing and prize winning, we have decided to repeat the event for 2025.
More details to follow nearer the time.