
Coaching Report – March 2017

The junior squads have been progressing well since January, despite some unwelcome weather.  The children enjoy their lessons with Adrian, Carl and Roberto and are making steady progress.  The final squad session for this term will be the week beginning  Monday 27th March.

The Ladies’ Thursday night coaching has been also been hit by the weather this term but it has still proved a popular addition to the schedule. If any ladies would like to have squad coaching after Easter on a Thursday, please speak to Adrian or Tracy who will try to organise something for you.

The Rusty Rackets course has seen a few new members join.  If you are a new member who hasn’t played for a while, this is the ideal course for you.  Carl runs this on a Monday from 1.30 – 2.30. 

Wednesday Mixed Morning has seen a committed group of players improve their tennis skills and tactics over time.  This 2 hour session runs from 10am – 12pm every Wednesday at a cost of just £6.50.  It is great for your fitness as well as your tennis; just turn up and play.

We all appreciate that most adults would prefer coaching at the weekends or in the evenings.  MTA are actively recruiting a coach, who meets their high standards, in order to be able to give more opportunity for adult coaching at Bearsted.  In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact Tracy or Adrian to discuss your coaching needs.

Kind regards,
Carole Bacon, Coaching Co-ordinator