Booking a court at Beechgrove

                                                                         !!!FLOODLIT COURTS AVAILABLE!!!                                                                                 


We are very happy to welcome non members/visitors to play on our courts.  We even have a black box on 'The Birdcage' (court 6) which has racquets and balls in for you to borrow for free.  You can book court a court at a cost of £10 an hour or £13 an hour for a floodlit court.

If you are a visitor and intend to play 4 times or more within 2 weeks (with your friends) please look at our Guest Membership option.


Although our courts are classified as all weather - in extreme weather conditions (snow/ice) the courts are not playable.  

To avoid disappointment in such conditions please check the courts first before booking!

We endeavour to keep the courts clear of leaves but you will find a rake under the bench to sweep any stray leaves if required. 

Further more,  we offer open courts to the local community.    The free sessions are available on court 6 (the birdcage) on Mondays between 11am and 12noon; on Tuesdays between 1pm and 3pm; on Fridays between 9am and 11am and on Sundays between 6pm and 7pm.  Please book on line to get door code.  There are balls and racquets available in the black box.