Are you female and keen to take the first step on the tennis coaching ladder and get a discount to do it?
Growing the Game Ltd, the LTA Coach Development Centre in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire are excited to be able to offer female tennis players in the three counties the chance to gain the LTA Assistant Qualification on a female only course at a 40% discounted rate.
If you are female and 16 on or before the first day of the course and either play tennis as a member of a tennis club in one of the three counties, play tennis at a venue where you can pay and play (leisure centre, park site etc) in one of the three counties or simply have a home address in Berks/Bucks/Oxon and play tennis then you are eligible for a place on the course.
The places are on a first come first served basis so please email Mel Phillips at ASAP to book your place.
The first course is running at Reading University on the following dates.
Reading University Sports Hall, Shinfield Lane, RG6 6UR - 9am to 5pm on both days.
Day 1 - 25th June
Day 2 - 16th July
Course fees are normally £250 but are £150 from this course if you meet the criteria.
The link below takes you to the page on the LTA website where you can find the information about what the qualification entails.