Mini tennis

We run a Mini Tennis Coaching Programme throughout the week and on Saturday mornings for children up to 10 years old to help our young players learn the skills and tactics of tennis.  With smaller courts, nets and rackets and lower bouncing balls, Mini Tennis offers the perfect introduction to the sport.

There are four stages of Mini Tennis;

Tots for children aged 3 to 5 years old where they learn the basics through fun activities based on the fundamental areas of balance, co-ordination, agility, movement and racket and ball skills.

Red Mini Tennis is for players aged 8 and under. It is played on small courts with short rackets and soft balls. It’s just like the real game where children have the chance to play long rallies with different types of shots.

Orange Mini Tennis allows players to continue their progress from Red and is for players aged 8 and 9. The rackets are shorter than full size and the balls softer than yellow balls. The courts are bigger and wider than the red stage but still smaller than full-size tennis courts allowing players to develop a rounded game whilst learning a range of techniques and tactics.

Green Mini Tennis continues the progress from Mini Tennis Orange. It is played on a full size tennis court, with bigger rackets and balls which are a little softer than yellow balls. It’s the next stage before moving on to full compression yellow balls and helps players develop and improve all aspects of their game.

If you would like to book a place for your child onto one of the available sessions, please email  

Mini tennis teams

We have mini-tennis teams who compete in the Aegon tournament and against other local clubs in a friendly environment.  Team practice is on Sundays at 4pm during term time.  Contact mini-team Captain Chris Fisher for more information.