
Blackhall 2018 Club Championships - A Recap of Finals Weekend!

Catherine and Sheila combined to win the Ladies Doubles against the upcoming McGill sisters,  Rob also achieved a Club Champs Double in teaming up with Matt Colvin to overcome Ruairidh Watson and Head Coach, Ian MacKinlay.

And in the Mixed Doubles, Helen Colhoun and Peter Niccol triumphed against Elspeth Primrose and Colin Reid.



Ladies - Catherine Dick

Mens - Rob Ainsley



Ladies - Sheila Hoyle & Catherine Dick

Mens - Rob Ainsley & Matt Colvin

Mixed - Helen Colhoun & Peter Niccol



Ladies - Jo Paterson & Kareen Smith

Mens - Will Sando & Simon Trees

Mixed - Elspeth Primrose & Alan Duthie



On Sunday 9th, it was the turn of Blackhall's Junior to showcase their skills. Another day of entertaining tennis for spectators and congratulations to the winners below!

18 and under - Andrew Jack
14 and under - Holly McGill
10 and under - Zac Penman
8 and under - Johnny Hirst

18 and under - Holly McGill & Hamish Miller
10 and under - Jacob Gammie & Liam Azam