W E L C O M E Blairgowrie Tennis Club

Blairgowrie Tennis Club

Welcome to Blairgowrie Tennis Club

A warm welcome awaits for all ages and abilities, members and visitors, at our LTA registered club.  We have 5 polymeric, floodlit courts situated at the J.J. Coupar Recreation Park - available all year round.   All courts are accessed via 2 gates with coded padlocks.  Visitors should use the double gates at court 5 (email code for each on-line booking).  Members should use the single gate at courts 1/2 - codes and regular changes will be sent out to members via email.  Floodlights are available until 10pm when they will automatically switch off - prepare to stop and lock up before this time.  No studded shoes are allowed on the courts. 

How to Book  Courts are available for play at most times and can be pre-booked (free for members) in the BOOKING tab.  If floodlights are required, please contact Susan Whiteford 07745 427572, or team captains.

VISITORS are welcome on a pay and play basis by pre-booking a court.

Our adult and junior tennis teams compete in competitons throughout the year.  See COMPETITIONS tab for a list of the leagues we typically participate in.  Get in touch if you are interested.  Adults please note that all team members pay an additional £30 to cover cost of balls/lights.

We offer a comprehensive progressive programme of adult and junior coaching (discounted for members).  For more information see the COACHING tab or contact the coaches.  A typical summer timetable is shown below (subject to seasonal change) – please see weekly What’s On email for updates or contact Susan on 07745 427572.

S O C I A L   T E N N I S  (Club Afternoon/Club Night)
Adults - 
Fun, inclusive, very informal, all ability levels
Format: doubles (mixed, men's or ladies'), one set of only 5 games and then everyone swaps around.  Each set aims to pair up players fairly.  Just turn up or subscribe to our PLAY TENNIS WhatsApp group (07703 804996) to find out who else is playing that day. 
    Monday - 1.30pm
    Wednesday - 6.30pm
    Friday - 1.30pm

Format: Fun tennis games, Kubb, rounders and Wavio.
    Friday 5 - 6.30pm 
    Non members £1      Members 50p     BBQ £1

Please also read our Welcome Pack 2024-25 which will hopefully answer any questions you have.

We look forward to seeing you on the courts.

Club President - Shirley Davidson

10 Reasons Why Tennis is a Great Sport

1. It’s a great full-body workout 

Many sports are great workouts, but few sports offer the fun AND physical activity that tennis offers. Tennis players are almost constantly in motion, and use nearly every muscle in their body. In addition to short sprints, there are also constant changes of direction, and motion in every possible direction. It builds muscle and stamina.  What’s not to love?

2. It’s very affordable

Sure, tennis can be expensive and is often viewed as an elitist sport. But at Blairgowrie Tennis Club we aim to make tennis more accessible to everyone: we keep our membership and visitor fees as low as possible;  we offer lots of 'come and play', bring-a-friend, themed family fun days throughout the year - all free to attend.   We even have a load of rackets you can borrow.  The cost of tennis lessons can be expensive but as a club member, you can play any time you want.  Alternatively, you can find a free court almost anywhere. What other sport can you go and play for free wherever you are? 

3. It’s good for the body AND mind

Tennis is as mental a sport as any. You can be a great physically skilled player, but not fulfill your potential if your mental attitude is weak. Playing tennis will help you get in good physical shape, but it also stimulates your mind in ways that other sports do not. Great tennis players are all mentally strong, and playing tennis will only fortify your mind, helping you out in other areas of your life as well!

4. You don’t need to round up a team to play!

All you need is a racket, a few balls, and one other person to go and have a great time. Can’t find a partner/opponent? That’s okay! Most public tennis courts also have a practice wall. Go smack the ball against the wall for a while. It will help your strokes and your timing. 

5. Minimal Injuries

Did you know that compared to other sports, especially contact sports, tennis is very safe. Most injuries are related to overuse, but with the proper exercises, even those can be minimised or even eliminated. Injuries can be serious and put you out of action for weeks or even months.  Everyone loves being able to have fun without the risk of injury!  Warm up are especially important - don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

6. It is played EVERYWHERE

It's true!  Tennis really is played everywhere. No matter where you are, chances are there is a tennis court nearby. You can find a court and a game almost anywhere you go. And if traveling to play tennis is a plan of yours, you can find spectacular tennis resorts on almost every continent. It wouldn’t be outrageous to think that one day, people will even be playing in Antarctica!  If you're really keen, you don't even need a tennis court to practise your shots, serves and strokes.  But we do recommend you play outdoors. To avoid breaking mum's favourite mug.  How good is that? 

7. It’s social!

Amateur tennis is as much about fun as it is competition. It's a sociable sport, allowing you to have fun with your friends and opponents not only during points, but also between, before, and after the match!  There are lots of fun resources on-line that will show you fun drills to practise, hints and tips and lots of ideas for competing.  Go have a look at Youtube for example. 

8. You can play all year round!

Is it snowing outside? Can’t play golf?  We bet you can find an indoor court and go have a blast while getting a good workout playing tennis.  Or any other racket sport for that matter.  Sure, summer is peak tennis season, but there is no off-season!

9. You can play FOREVER!

Tennis is great for ALL ages. Children can start very young, often as early as three years old, because we use low compression (red) balls that are softer and don't bounce so quickly.  After red ball tennis, juniors can progress through orange and then green balls before moving onto the highest compression, fast yellow balls.  Wheelchair and walking tennis variants are also available  when you can no longer walk or run around so quickly.  What other sport can you play from age 3-103?

10. It’s better than an anger management session

Tough, stressful, tiring day at work?  Get out and go smash some balls on the tennis court!  What better way to relieve stress and envigorate yourself than by hitting a ball as hard as you can. It feels great, and when they go in, it feels even better!


Adapted from: [https://www.playyourcourt.com/news/improve/10-reasons-why-tennis-is-the-best-sport/]

Become A Member Now

Why not join a great local club where you can:

  • Play tennis all year round  ☑
  • Compete in local leagues and fun tournaments  ☑
  • Enjoy fun social events  ☑
  • Improve your physical and mental wellbeing   ☑
  • Meet new people  ☑
  • Have lots of fun and make new friends  ☑
  • Volunteer to help the club succeed ☑


How to find us

Blairgowrie LTC
Coupar Angus Road
Scotland North
PH10 6JN

Get directions

Our Partner

LTA Tennis for Britain