Ball Machine

The club owns a Tennis Tutor Prolite portable, battery operated ball machine.  This is a relatively simple machine, but if you don't have someone to hit with, it is great for practising your shots and getting a bit of a workout.

The ball machine has controls to allow the speed, rate, height and angle of the ejected tennis balls to be varied as you wish.  It takes up to 120 balls and the club has a tub of about 50 pressureless balls that you can use, but you may wish to use your own.

Any adult member can use the ball machine once they have been through a ten minute familiarisation session with a committee member first.  Please contact Ben Lawrence on 07909 976 725 or if you'd like to arrange this session.

Once you've been through the session you will be able to book the machine using the Booking tab on the website.  The ClubSpark Booker app cannot be used to book the machine.  

When you make a booking, you will receive by email a confirmation code which allows you to access the clubhouse and the cupboard with the ball machine.

Please remember not to use the ball machine in the wet, and to put it on charge after use and to relock the clubhouse.