Concern Reporting Procedure

Anyone who has concerns that they or someone else is being discriminated against or has been a victim of discriminatory language or behaviour should:



Listen carefully to what the person is telling you. Do not interrupt; keep questions to a minimum; do not promise to keep the information secret.




Is someone in immediate danger ?


YES -  Call the police (999)


No -  Talk to the club’s Welfare Officer, Jude Savage, in confidence  (07810 092725 or email ) Talk to the LTA Safeguarding Team * (020 8487 7000) as soon as possible [Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm]. If the Safeguarding Team is unavailable and you want advice before the next working day, call the NSPCC (0808 800 5000) or Parent Line Scotland (0800 028 2233) if your concerns is about a child.

If your concern us about an adult ask them for details of your Locammedial Authority Adult Social Care Services.


Hate crime can alternatively be reported through True Vision at




Write an objective account of your concerns immediately using the Reporting a Concern Form found on the safeguarding page. Send it to the Safeguarding Team within 48 hours of the concern/disclosure (


Handling a concern/disclosure can be emotionally difficult. If you would like to talk to someone after making a concern/disclosure, contact the LTA Safeguarding Team by phone 020 8487 7000 or email