What to do if a disclosure from a child or adult at risk is made to you:
- Listen carefully and calmly to the individual
- Reassure the individual that they have done the right thing and what they have told you is very important
- Avoid questioning where possible, and never ask leading questions
- Do not promise secrecy. Let the individual know that you will need to speak to the Welfare Officer/LTA Safeguarding Team because it is in their best interest. If you intend to speak to the police or social care, you should let them know this too.
- Report the concern. In an emergency, call the police (999), otherwise talk to the Welfare Officer/LTA Safeguarding Team as soon as possible. Do not let doubt/personal bias prevent you from reporting the allegation
- Record details of the disclosure and allegation using the LTA Reporting a Concern Form. Make certain you distinguish between what the person has actually said and the inferences you may have made. Your report should be sent to the LTA Safeguarding Team within 48 hours of the incident. If you do not have access to this document, write down the details using what you have available then sign and date it.