Membership Fees and Joining


The membership year is from 1st April until the 31st March. 

Fees include use of balls, free floodlights and free LTA Advantage membership, entitling you to enter the Wimbledon ticket ballot.

Fees for 2025-26

Renewing members 

Adult Individual - £160

Junior - £60 (11- 18 on 1st April 2025) 

Junior - £30 (under 11 on 1st April 2025)

Non Playing Member - £10

Student - £90 

Winter Rates -  from 1st October to 31st March are subject to places being available and will be set later in the season

All members are required to read and accept the club’s code of conduct on joining.

New Members

Adult Individual - £180

Junior - £65 (11-18 on the 1st April 2025)

Junior - £35 (under 11 on 1st April 2025)

Non Playing Member - £10

Student - £95

Waiting List

If there are no membership packages on show below that means the club is currently closed to new members.  Any changes to this situation will be posted on the website.  

Owners of properties in the Braid Estate have priority, in the event of a waiting list.  Please check with the Membership Secretary ( 

LTA Advantage membership

All Braid members are entitled to free LTA Advantage membership.  You must be a member to play in the East of Scotland Tennis League or be eligible for the Wimbledon ticket ballot. Visit the LTA website to apply.


Junior (age 11-18) 25

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Junior age 11-18

Eligibility: Junior age 11-18

Join now

Junior (under 11) 25

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Junior <11

Eligibility: Junior <11

Join now

Non Playing 25

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Non Playing

Join now