East of Scotland Leagues - 2025 Season
We currently have 4 Mens and 5 Ladies teams competing in the VMH East of Scotland leagues in matches which run from April to June. We also compete in the veterans' and mixed leagues in the autumn. Other events throughout the year include the Scottish Inter Club Challenge (formerly The Scottish Cup), Inter Club Singles and Aegon Team Tennis.
Click for Fixtures - Ladies
Click for Fixtures - Mens
If you are interested in playing for the teams contact the relevant team captain.
For Ladies teams contact Suzie Provan - suzie.provan@btinternet.com
For Mens teams contact Tom Johnston - tdjohnston9@googlemail.com
Junior Leagues
Junior Teams: ESLTA Junior Leagues
We have junior teams in Red, Orange & Green Ball as well as joint girls and boys teams with Mortonhall for U/18s
For information about junior teams please contact our junior convener Sophie Black: sophielblack@yahoo.co.uk
Singles Ladder now has its own page