Senior Competitions

The Club run’s internal singles and doubles leagues – with regular promotion/demotion – allowing for members to play with and against other members of a similar ability.  It provides a great way for new members to meet other members of the Club.

In addition to the Annual Level & Handicap Tournaments there are regular social tournaments run throughout the year by the Club Coaches.

All Adult Members are streamed, using a simple colour coding,  to ensure that they play with other members of similar abilities in the annual ratings tournaments and mix-in play.

Junior Tournaments

The Club run internal Junior Tournaments for a range of age groups and abilities - with the Junior Club Finals run over two days at the end of June.

All Juniors are encouraged to enter tthe tournaments which provide a taste of competitive tennis.

See the attached link for details of the 2024 Junior Tournaments

LTA Tournaments

As well as team tennis and our Club Championships in the summer, there are competitions locally at other clubs most weekends from age 8 and upwards. The link to search for those competitions on the LTA website is below and you are able to filter the search to just include relevant age groups and the area you are happy to travel within. 

LTA Tournaments