Contact us
For General Enquiries please contact
For Membership Enquiries please contact
For Coaching Enquiries please contact or ring 01983-867897 or 07855796569
For Welfare Officers please contact Annie Beavis on 752975
Please note: There is NO postal address for the club.
Please send any post to the Club Secretary at
Paddocks, Galley Lane, Brighstone. Isle of Wight PO30 4BT
The default is the club secretary, Chris Goodman on or 01983-741166
Where to find us
From Ventnor or Freshwater Directions; Follow the Military Rd signs to Brighstone. The road leading into the village is New Rd. Look for the signpost on your left pointing to the Recreation Ground, drive along short lane and park near the pavilion. You will see the courts on the western side of the ground.
From Newport: Follow the road through Carisbrooke taking the left turn at the top of the hill towards Shorwell and Brighstone. On entering Brighstone, turn left after the Church and proceed down New Rd. Go past the Wilberforce Rd turn-off and keep going about 70 yards. On your right look for the Recreation Ground sign. Park by side of pavilion and walk to courts.
Brighstone Lawn Tennis Club Ltd
Recreation Ground, Off New Rd Brighstone BRIGHSTONE Hampshire & Isle of Wight PO30 4BQ
Brighstone Lawn Tennis Club Ltd
Recreation Ground, Off New Rd
Hampshire & Isle of Wight
PO30 4BQ