Safeguarding & Contact Us
Have you seen or heard something at this court which makes you concerned about someone’s welfare?
You should use the below contact details to speak to someone as soon as possible, you can also view the Council's Safeguarding Policy here.
Adur and Worthing Welfare Officer: Tina Favier
Telephone: (01273) 263293
Local Authority Children’s Services: 0300 123 1630
Local Authority Adult Services: 0300 200 1005
You can also contact the NSPSS on 0808 800 5000 for advice about safeguarding concerns.
If someone is in immediate danger, call the police 999.
Please also the let the LTA know by using the secure form which can found online at:
Contact Us
Tel: 01273 263060
Worthing Borough Council
9 Commerce Way
Lancing Business Park
Lancing Industrial Estate
West Sussex
BN15 8TA
Please note our offices are open Monday - Friday 9am-4:30pm
If you have any problems with your court access code then please call the telephone number on your booking confirmation email where you will be provided with the necessary information.
Where to find us
Buckingham Park
Upper Shoreham Road SHOREHAM-BY-SEA Sussex BN43 6BA