Buckingham Park Tennis offers all year round Junior coaching for all ages, from beginners up to performance level. Please book in advance HERE or Contact Head Coach Jimmy Smith 07966 210 692 for details
BLUE STAGE (4-6 years) - For children aged 4 to 6 years old and enables them to learn the basics and how to enjoy the game through a series of fun activities, based on the fundamental areas of balance, co-ordination, agility, movement and racket and basic ball skills.
RED STAGE (6- 8 years) - For players aged 8 and under. It is played on small courts with short rackets and soft balls. It’s just like the real game and gives players opportunities to have long rallies and play different types of shots.
ORANGE STAGE (8-9 years) - A great way for players to continue their progress from Red stage and is for players aged 8 and 9. It is played with shorter rackets, softer balls and courts are bigger and wider than the red stage but still smaller than full-size tennis courts allowing players to develop a rounded game whilst learning a range of techniques and tactics. It is the next stage before playing on a full sized court and helps players develop different shots and tactics.
GREEN STAGE (9 - 10 years) - A great way for players to continue their progress from Orange stage. It is played on a full size tennis court, with bigger rackets and balls which are a little softer than yellow balls. It’s the next stage before moving on to full compression yellow balls on a full sized court and helps players develop and improve all aspects of their game.
YELLOW STAGE (10+ years) - Time to find your game. Playing on a full size court with the same size balls the pros use, kids will continue to explore different styles on the court, and start to choose their own.
We are proud of the tennis coaching we offer and like to be able to share the fun our players have playing tennis with others. To this end we use photos and videos of our players including adults and children in our promotional material and on social media. We presume consent to the use of such photos and videos unless you e-mail us to indicate your refusal of consent: admin@buckinghamparktennis.co.uk
We undertake to use the images and videos in line with the LTA policy 'Photography and Recording' which can be found here. http://www.lta.org.uk/globalassets/about-lta/safeguarding/recording-and-publishing-images-policy.pdf. For clarity, this presumed consent will take the place of the written consent mentioned in the policy above.
If anyone is ever unhappy about the use of a particular photo or video, please notify us and we will remove it.