Thinking of joining?

What membership options are there?

We would love you to join our friendly, fun club.  We have a range of membership categories to suit all circumstances especially our family membership which is especially popular as it is great value.  See table below for more information.

Can I join now?

Although we have a high demand for memberships, we are NOT currently operating a waiting list so have some places available.

Are there changes to the fees at the start of the new season?

Fees are unchanged from last year and we will continue to have no joining fees for new members.  

We have compared our fees with clubs in the surrounding area as well as other clubs of a similar size and still feel that our Club offers fantastic value.  To respond to demand we have restructured our memberships for those under 17 to make it simpler, so now have just Mini and Junior memberships.

All fees are as detailed in the table below and are from 1 April 2023.

Membership packages for 2023/24

Please contact Erin on for further information about our membership packages and how to join.

Family Family-one household of a maximum of two Seniors and all children under 18 at 31 December of previous year 31 March 2023 £325
Senior Open to those aged 18 or over as at 31 December of the previous year 31 March 2023 £175
Double Senior A joint application where both applicants meet the definition for Senior Member and are part of the same household 31 March 2023 £310
Concessionary Double Senior For senior members with a disability with a carer 31 March 2023 £200
Daytime For senior members where play is restricted between the hours of 9 am and 6 pm, Monday to Friday each week 31 March 2023 £120
Concessionary This membership is for people on certain benefits, ie Universal Credit, Job Seekers Allowance and Carers Allowance. You may be asked to provide proof that you are in receipt of these benefits, eg your Universal Credit award notice. (None of this information will be retained.) 31 March 2023 £75
Student A full time student at college or university. You may be asked to provide proof that you are a student, eg matriculation card 31 March 2023 £75
Junior Aged 11 and over and attending secondary school 31 March 2023 £70
Mini Tennis Open to those aged 10 & under. A named parent can play only with the child and is not a playing member of the club 31 March 2023 £75
Associate Adult non-playing but have full use of the clubhouse facilities and can participate in the Club's social activities 31 March 2023 £0

Clubhouse Keys

Clubhouse keys will be charged at a rate of £10 (tbc) as they require to be specially cut. Each member is responsible for their key which should be kept safe.  Lost keys will be replaced on one occasion only, on payment again of a charge of £10. It is important that members inform the Club Administrator immediately if they lose their key.

Members should not lend their key to others or let anyone into the Clubhouse unless they are their visitor. They should remember to lock both clubhouse doors securely when they are last to leave and take their key with them. 

Members will be contacted by the Membership Secretary about their key when their resignation from the Club is received.