
Strawberries and Cream! Our Wimbledon themed Fun Tournament 2024

Cloudy with a splash of strawberries! Whilst the weather was not as warm as it had been of late, we enjoyed some sunny spells and thankfully no rain!  Members attended in the traditional whites (almost!) and had some cracking matches.  Scores at the top were close with Pav prevailing, Valli, Louis and Phyllis hot on his heals!  This year we were lucky to be given a fabulous prize of a Wimbledon Polo Top, kindly donated by one of our members Blair (who missed the tournament as he was partying away at Glastonbury!) Thank you for your generous gift, Blair.  Congratulations on your win Pav.

Thank you to those who brought delicious food to share.



Croissants, Baguettes and Brie! Our Roland Garros French Themed Fun Tournament 2024

A gorgeous warm, sunny day, great food and friendship! What more could you ask for to make a fun morning of tennis on our stunning newly painted courts. The handicap system worked particularly well as I (Janet) was the winner with 17 points, closely followed by Blair and Chris on 16.  Thank you to everyone who took part and contributed to make this morning's tournament a huge success.

"Eggs, Bunnies and Bonnets! Our Easter Fun Tournament 2024

A fun and thankfully dry, albeit with a chilly wind, morning (thank goodness the sun popped out occasionally).  Close matches and scrummy food (more arrived after the picture was taken!).  The handicap system levelled the field somewhat and the scores were very close.  Pav prevailed with 18 points and Phyllis was runner up with 17 points! Well done to all who participated and thank you to everypone who brought food to share.   

  Celebrating the 2023 US Open 

Great morning of tennis to celebrate the US Open - despite a little (!) shower. The players fought hard and fun was had. It was a close competition, with only one point each between the winner, 2nd and 3rd places! Well done to winner Phyllis, runners up Malcolm and Alex.

Thanks to everyone who attended, both participants and spectators, who brought yummy food to share and made a thoroughly enjoyable morning.      





   Roland Garros 4th June 2023 -

Great morning of tennis, the sun was shining and everyone had a great time.

The clubhouse was adorned with red white and blue bunting, tennis ball garlands and troughs of flowers, the french lavender was a little late to the party however, arriving on Tuesday!  We had 12 participants competing in 5 rubbers with a handicap sysytem (as we had players of varied skill level).  Members enjoyed some lovely french themed food and entered the spirit of the theme wearing colours of clay courts and the 'Tricolore' !  We are having so much fun we forget to take photos of participants!  Well done to the joint winners Louis, Phyllis and Valli!! Thank you to everyone who contributed to make it such an enjoyable morning! 



Social tournament 15 April 2023 to celebrate the start of the Summer season, yes it rained but we still had a great time and managed 5 rubbers in between the raindrops!  More time to enjoy the refreshments!

Congratulations to winner Louis and runner-up Valli.


Celebrating the US Open -club social tournament 4th September 2022.  Well done to joint winners Richard and Chris M!


Celebrating the start of Wimbledon -club social tournament 25th June 2022.  Well done to our winner Dylan!




'Roland Garros at Calne'  May 2022 


Christmas 2021





Summer 2021


Vintage Tournament 11 July 2020.  


Fabulous weather for our American Tournament on Sunday 16th September 2019


A fun morning of tennis for our Monster Smash on 28th October 2018


Christmas 2018


April 2018


Christrmas 2017


Christmas 2015