
AGM Wednesday 14 November 2018

Notice of the Annual General Meeting

to be held on Wednesday 14 November 2018 at 7.30pm in the Clubhouse

                                                                             A G E N D A

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the last AGM and Matters Arising (see Note 1)         
  3. Election of President (and re-affirmation of Vice-Presidents)
  4. President’s Address
  5. Chairman’s Address
  6. Treasurer's Report (link to Financial Statements for 2017-18)
  7. Membership Report
  8. Captains’ Reports
  9. Social Secretary's Report
  10. Junior/Club Coach’s Report
  11. Proposed modification of the Constitution to formalise the role of Trustees (see Note 2)
  12. Election of Club Officers and Committee Members
  13. Any Other Business or Proposals
  14. Date of Next AGM

Proposals for consideration by the AGM may also be submitted by members; these proposals require a proposer and two seconders, and should be delivered by email or in writing to the Hon. Secretary within 10 days of notification of the AGM. Please address any apologies for absence to Carol Stanton, Hon. Secretary

Please note that a number of existing officers are not standing for re-election, so all members are asked to consider whether they would consider standing for any of the committee roles. A brief description of the current committee and their roles can be found in the Contacts section of the club website, but any member is invited to discuss their potential interest with the chair or any of the existing committee.


Note 1. The minutes for the 2016-17 AGM have been posted on the noticeboard in the Clubhouse and can be found on the club website or via this link.

Note 2. The Committee is proposing to update the Constitution to formalise the role of Trustees, who are required to sign the lease for Southcote Park on behalf of the Club. The proposed new wording has been posted on the noticeboard and is available for review on the club website or via this link.


Carol Stanton

Hon. Secretary