
July news 2022

Cambourne Lawn Tennis Club: Open Day 17th July

That time of year is upon us again, a time when we celebrate the tennis club with the people of Cambourne and the local community which it serves. This year the event is being held on Sunday 17th July and, as a focus on inclusion, we have introduced some fun events to help understand, appreciate, and enjoy tennis through the challenges that we may not ourselves fully understand.

In addition to the usual favourite fun activities, we are introducing Wheelchair tennis, Visually impaired tennis and Hearing impaired tennis to the experiences of the day.

The CLTC open day is for all of our community (adult, youth, novice and experienced) and so we welcome you with open arms to attend this family event which will have Tri Tennis & Tennis Ping Pong, wheelchair tennis, visually impaired and hearing impaired tennis and free play opportunities for novices and experienced players alike in the morning session (10am – 12pm) & Tri Tennis & Tennis Ping Pong, Cardio tennis & kids coaching in the afternoon session ( 12:30pm – 2.30pm).

There will be a BBQ from midday onwards so please bring yourselves, the kids, and an appetite for the CLTC Open day on Sunday 17th July. Come along and have a knock – it will be great to see you!

CLTC Website: contains detailed information about the club including events, coaching sessions, teams and how to become a member.