
December news 2022

Cambourne Lawn Tennis Club: Christmas Social Returns and build of the Clubhouse begins


This year, our annual Christmas Social returns! We will be running a fun games session with Toby and his assistants on the courts, followed by an awards ceremony where we will have lots to eat and drink, with music too.


This will take place on SUNDAY 11th DECEMBER, 12-2.30pm, first on the courts then heading over to the Upper Cambourne Cricket Pavilion. 


More details as follows;

12-1pm = Fun games session on the courts. Children and adults will play games such as toilet flush, catch out and king of the court, all with a festive twist!

1-1.30pm = Food/Drink and Music. We will then move to the Upper Cambourne Cricket Pavilion. If you would prefer not to attend the games session, please arrive at this time.

1.30-2.30pm = The awards ceremony. The committee will be handing out awards which are mainly directed towards children.


Here is a list of the awards that will be handed out on the day;

Best Club player (boy)

Best Club player (girl)

Most improved (boy/girl)

Hardest working / fighting spirit (boy/girl)

Friendliest / Funniest player on court (boy/girl)

Future star (boy)

Future star (girl)

Volunteer of the Year (Adult)

Assistant Coach of the Year


We want this Christmas Social to be a real success, therefore we need as many people to attend as possible! If you plan to attend, please confirm to me by 1st December. 


Phone: 07972 149874

In other news: Finally, the build of the CLTC clubhouse is underway. Diggers are at the ready and hopefully we will see the clubhouse materializing over the next weeks. Exciting times!

CLTC Website: contains detailed information about the club including events, coaching sessions, teams and how to become a member.